Thursday, September 9, 2010

My blood pressure is rising.

I just traipsed on over to Snapfish with some silly little idea in my head that perhaps, if I wanted to, I could like, re-organize my photos. I uploaded them all into one album for convenience, with the idea of going back and separating them out later. SILLY ME. ALBUMS CANNOT BE REORGANIZED. I am going to flip the fuck out. Is this an overreaction? None of these pictures are anywhere except Snapfish and the desktop at Jimmy and Missy's and they can delete that whenever they want. They may have deleted it already. I will FLIP THE FUCK OUT. I hate the internet.

That's a lie. I just hate not getting my way.

There was a bunch of other stuff I planned to post, which was why I opened blogger in the first place, only I didn't feel like writing anything until stupid Snapfish refused (thus far) to allow me to move things around. Here's this though--a rather humorous post about Apple's devastatingly successful ad campaigns with regard to ipods. Written by a 13 (?) year old fashion writer/designer. How does she do that?


  1. (My temper tantrum was premature, as usual. Their system really could be a little more streamlined, though. I mean honestly.)

  2. Hahahaha <3 I know how that feels... and even if it *does* work the way you want it to, it should definitely be more user friendly!
