Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"Handmade" things that I can make and mail.

You know, in case you commented on my "handmade things" pay-it-forward facebook status. Choose your poison.

Food items:
-boursin cheese
-pimiento cheese
-candied orange peel (dipped in chocolate or not)
-cake balls (cake mixed with icing, dipped in chocolate)
-thin mints
-assorted cookies. oatmeal or sugar, with or without choc chips, raisins, nuts, whatever.
-ditto for fudge/brownies
-lemon bars
-really excellent hard-shelled chocolate truffles of assorted flavors. Seriously. If I weren't so lazy, I could probably make a living off these.
-not meringues even a little bit.

Other items:
If you are so inclined, a recording of the C family girls singing--like the one I mentioned the other day, only hopefully a lot better.

I can make a mean collage if I am so inclined, or, relatedly, rude (as in rough, not impolite. Unless you ask nicely.) papier-mache sculptures. Ex: Roger.

Speaking of dinosaurs, I am evidently really good at making them out of rice krispies treats. Other edible decorations upon request.

You are welcome to commission a poem on the topic/in the form of your choosing. I have had the most success with sonnets, blank verse, free verse, limericks, and haiku, though I would be happy to return to or experiment with others. Except pantoum. I refuse to write another pantoum.

I can make mobiles out of shapes cut from tin cans, OR I can make one of those cheesy candle holders where the light shines out through the punched holes.

I am known for my excellent rock paintings. That is, scenes/things painted on flattish rocks. My favorites thus far have, I think, been the waterfall and the anglerfish. I haven't done one yet of a waterfall with an anglerfish, but I am beginning to think that that might be up next.

How do you feel about "art photography?" I would be happy to mat frame a large photograph of a spoon, if you like. Or a landscape or a bug, whatever.

A note on all crafts: please be aware that I am aware that most/all of the nonedible listings are superfluous junk. I love making crafts, but generally I only make them when I know they're going to end up in somebody else's house. I have enough junk.

1 comment:

  1. Easiest meringue recipe ever (and yet ever so impressively delicious!):

